Ymneilldüwch/Ymneilltuwch bethau'r ddaear

(Ymddedwyddu yn Nuw)
Ymneilldüwch, bethau'r ddaear,
  Pethau natur, pethau'r byd;
'R wy'n dymuno peidio gwrando
  Ar eich holl ddeniadau 'nghyd:
    Unig Un, uwch na dyn,
  Mae fy enaid wrtho 'nglŷn.

Doed y diluw i deyrnasu
  Eto unwaith fel o'r blaen:
Deued annhrefn i gymmysgu
  Daear, awyr, dŵr, a thân;
    Dedwydd fi yn y lli',
  Tra f'o'm Duw'n teyrnasu fry.

Colled pob blodeuyn hyfryd
  Ei holl degwch îs y rhôd;
Deued hacrwch ar wynebau
  Pob creadur sydd yn bod;
    Tegwch byd fydd ynghyd
  Oll yn wyneb Prynwr drud.

Pe diffoddai'r heulwen ddisglaer
  Yn yr awyr deneu, lâs,
A phe treuliai'r sêr y fflamau
  Ynddynt sydd o dân i maes;
    Mi gâf fyw, gyda'm Duw,
  Mewn disgleirdeb heb ei ryw.

Mi gâf fod o flaen yr orsedd,
  Mi gâf ganu'r anthem bur,
Pan ddarfyddo sôn am ddaear -
  Sôn am foroedd, sôn am dir:
    Dwyfol loes
          angeu'r groes
  Fydd y canu ddydd a nôs.
William Williams 1717-91

Tonau [8787337]:
Groeswen (J A Lloyd 1815-74)
James Street (T Davies)
Priscilla (D J James 1743-1831)
Stepney (W Bayley)

  Colled pob blodeuyn hyfryd
  Doed y diluw i deyrnasu
  Mi dybygwn gwelai'r bore

(Delighting in God)
Retreat, ye things of the earth,
  Things of nature, things of the world;
I wish to stop listening
  To all your attractions altogether:
    One alone, higher than man,
  My soul is sticking to him.

Let the deluge come to reign
  Once again as before:
Let chaos come to mix
  Earth, air, water, and fire;
    Happy I in the flood,
  While ever my God is reigning above.

Let every delightful flower lose
  All is fairness under the sky;
Let ugliness come upon the faces
  Of every creature that exists;
    The fairness of the world shall be
  Altogether in a precious Redeemer's face.

If the radiant sunshine should extinguish
  In the thin, blue sky,
And if the stars spent out
  The flames of fire within them;
    I would get to live, with my God,
  In radiance without compare.

I shall get to be before his throne,
  I shall get to sing the pure anthem,
When mention of earth passes away -
  Mention of seas, mention of land:
    Divine anguish of the
          death of the cross
  Shall be the singing day and night.
tr. 2018 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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